Scenario 2 - Running Vault inside the mesh

To run Vault inside the mesh, complete the following steps.

Running Vault inside the Istio mesh

Note: These instructions assume that you have Scenario 1 up and running, and modifying it to run Vault inside the mesh.

  1. Turn off Istio in the app namespace by removing the istio-injection label:

    kubectl label namespace app istio-injection-
    kubectl label namespace vault istio-injection=enabled
  2. Delete the Vault pods in the vault namespace, so they will get recreated with the istio-proxy sidecar:

    kubectl delete pods --all -n vault
  3. Check that they both come back with an extra container (4/4 and 2/2 now):

    kubectl get pods -n vault

    Expected output:

    NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    vault-0                             4/4     Running   0          1m
    vault-configurer-6d9b98c856-l4flc   2/2     Running   0          1m
  4. Delete the application pods in the app namespace, so they will get recreated without the istio-proxy sidecar:

    kubectl delete pods --all -n app

The app pod got recreated with only the app container (1/1) and Vault access still works:

kubectl get pods -n app

Expected output:

NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
app-5df5686c4-4n6r7   1/1     Running   0          71s
kubectl logs -f -n app deployment/app

Expected output:

time="2020-02-18T14:41:20Z" level=info msg="Received new Vault token"
time="2020-02-18T14:41:20Z" level=info msg="Initial Vault token arrived"
going to sleep...
Last modified September 6, 2024: fix: invalid indentation (#240) (58c854e)